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Legend of the Five by Toni Philips

Antonia Philips is another coworker of mine. Her and her husband Rick were mentioned previously with Ricks-Garage. The two of them share my interests in many things, including fantasy literature. In fact, she is a writer. Read about her book series "Legend of the Five".

Update (2007/02/13): Firstly, Rick and Toni got a divorce. Neither work for MonsterCommerce anymore. Toni's website about her book is currently in a hiatus/construction mode, so there isn't currently much information about the book. The design does look pretty cool in progress though.

Legend of the Five Logo

I also wanted to include some other information about Toni's work history. Interestingly, she used to work for a video game company named Meridian 59. You can also see some information on MobyGames. Post-MonsterCommerce, she now works for MasterCard.

Rick's Garage

Rick Nelson, Toni Phillips & Jeremy Galba maintain this site. My coworker Rick and his wife Toni bought a new house a while back and wanted to invite all their friends over to see it and have a great house party. Then they realized this would likely trash their new house. So they came up with the idea to host the party in the two-car garage. Eventually, the epic events warranted a web site.

Update (2007/02/13): Rick's website has been gone for a while. Rick and Toni got divorced and I believe Toni is selling the house. All eras must come to an end, I'd guess. Disappointed